You have just connected to the complaint CHANNEL of Tecnoseñal.
The complaint CHANNEL is a tool that allows you to report any event that you consider irregular. The purpose is for the company or entity you are addressing, through its organs, to investigate the provided information and reach conclusions through a procedure that we will explain below.
You can submit information in writing, either by postal mail to the following address Industrial Estate Avenue, 17, 13640 Herencia, Ciudad Real or by email through the form that will appear below. You can also leave a voice message using the voicemail section or through a voice message via the phone number we provide on WhatsApp +34 626148243.
You can provide us with your personal information, name, last name, ID, and contact phone and email, or you can provide information anonymously.
You can also inform us about the person committing an irregularity or you can inform us in a more general manner by detailing the fact.
Obviously, the more information and data we have, the better.
The complaint Channel is a tool of the Internal Information System that the company has implemented as a result of Law 2/2023 of February 20. It serves to provide you, as the informant, with sufficient support and protection measures to avoid any type of reprisals.
Once the information is received by the Internal Information System Committee, you will receive an email acknowledging its receipt within the next 7 business days.
The result of the investigation cannot be delayed more than 3 months (unless the complexity of the matter requires it) from the receipt of the information or from the communication to you of the acknowledgment of receipt. Please note that it may take an additional period of 3 months due to its complexity.
To you, Mr. or Mrs. Informant, we inform you that whenever necessary, and if possible, we will contact you as many times as we consider necessary to provide additional necessary information.
Upon receiving the information, the Internal Information System Committee (if the complaint is personalized) will summon the informant to ratify the complaint within 5 days following the issuance of the information or within five days following the acknowledgment of receipt.
Once the information is ratified, the Internal Information System Committee will summon the accused or accused parties to hear them within 10 business days. They can appear before the Internal Information System Committee alone or accompanied by their lawyers or a trusted person, or accompanied by a member of the legal representation of the workers.
The Internal Information System Committee may summon the informant (if the complaint is nominative) as many times as it deems necessary within the three months following the receipt of the information or within the three-month extension.
After conducting the necessary investigations, the person in charge of the company's Internal Information System, along with the Legal Advisor, before the three-month deadline or before the three-month extension, will decide whether the facts of the complaint constitute a crime or not. If they do, all the proceedings will be forwarded to the Duty Judge. If the facts do not constitute a crime but are irregular and subject to sanctions, they will inform the Company's Management so that it can decide.
The company's management will decide in writing within two months following the receipt of the Internal Information System report, considering that against this decision there is the possibility of appeal to the Courts of Justice.